Simple answer. Collectively, a systematic approach is better for choosing lottery numbers than a random approach.
When choosing numbers for a lottery, the best approach would be systematically. By systematically assigning numbers:
The best way to demonstrate that lotteries should be played systematically is by doing a quick demo. In this example, we will use a pair of virtual dice.
The green dice will assign results systematically, from 1 to 6 sequentially.
The red dice will assign results randomly.
Goal: How many rolls of the dice will it take so that each number on the dice has shown up at least once?
Systematically, the answer is alway 6. Try rolling the dice to see side-by-side results. Remember, the red dice is totally random, so we cannot tell you what your results will be. However, guaranteed the systematic approach will always be better or even to the random approach. From our observations, a LOT better in most cases.
Try running it a number of times and let us know on our contact page what type of results you observed.
(Sequentially 1 to 6)
(Randomly selected)
Click button below
to roll
Total Rolls:
Let's say 6 people played this mini lottery and the dice rolls determine the numbers assigned to the players.
If the 6 players were assigned numbers from the green dice, their selections would all be unique with no duplicates.
However, if the same 6 players were assigned numbers from the red dice, there could be duplicates and certain numbers could not be assigned.
On draw day, the lottery would roll 1 dice and that number would determine the winner.
There would be a guaranteed winner with green dice group.
Not so with the red dice group.
Now expand this demo across an actual lottery. That is what we are doing, bettering the odds for those who play the lottery.
Play Chosen Numbers to be in the systemmatic selection group.