What is a Lottery Pool Reset?

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Chosen Numbers Pool Reset

We have mentioned in a couple of articles that we provide unique combinations of numbers until all the combinations for that lottery are exhausted, then we perform a pool reset.

What is a lottery pool reset?

First off, this process only occurs on our chosen numbers pool of numbers.

It is when we reset the index for a particular lottery.

There are 2 reasons we would perform a pool reset.

  1. The lottery changed its format.
  2. The pool of lottery sequences is exhausted.

The Lottery Changed Its Format

When a lottery changes their format, a pool reset is required.

This doesn't happen very frequently, but it does happen.

On October 4, 2015, Powerball in the US changed their format by increasing the white ball pool from 59 to 69 and decreasing the powerball pool from 35 to 26.

On May 14, 2019, LottoMAX in Canada added another ball changing the pool of numbers from 49 to 50.

When lottery formats change, the number of possible combinations of the pool changes.

We systematically determine the next sequence of numbers by performing calculations on the current index.

We will provide more information on this process for another article, but we do not go through the numbers sequentially, but rather mathematically or as we call it, systematically.

So a change in lottery format requires us to manually perform a pool reset to keep the processes consistent.

Aside note: If a lottery changes their format by adding another draw day, that does not change the number of combinations so no pool reset is required.

The Pool of Lottery Sequences is Exhausted

If a pool reset is required because of all possible sequences are exhausted, that is really good news for players and really good news for us.

That means a lot of players are playing with chosen numbers selections.

A pool reset automatically occurs after a player chooses the last number in the pool.

When a player chooses their lottery and are provided with their sequence of numbers, we also provide their position in the pool.

Each pool starts with position number 1 and the position number increases by 1.

When the last sequence of lottery numbers are provided to the user, the player will see sequence 13,983,816 of 13,983,816 (for a pool with 13,983,816 possible sequences).

We would automatically reset the pool and a new set of sequences will be provided to the players starting at 1 again.

After a pool reset occurs, then there are duplicate numbers being assigned.

However, the optimal way of playing chosen numbers is to choose numbers for every draw, so duplicates for a particular draw should not happen.

There are no duplicate numbers between pool resets, but there are duplicates across pool resets.

There are only a limited numbers of lottery sequences in a pool. It is usually in the millions. So for a lottery which has the odds of winning as 1 in 13,983,816, that means that lottery has 13,983,816 unique lottery number combinations.

One Final Note

Upon building this site, We initially planned to reset the pool right after each draw.

This would allow for new numbers to be assigned for each draw.

However, if we aren't hitting the maximum numbers of sequences between lottery draws, then it didn't matter if we did a reset because we would still be assigning unique numbers from a non-reset pool.

This philosophy may change depending on popularity of the site, but currently we are only performing a pool reset once all the lottery numbers in the pool are exhausted (or the lotteries change their format of course).

How Should Players Choose Their Lottery Numbers?

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Choosing Lottery Numbers

Millions of people play lotteries.

So millions of people have to make a choice each draw on what numbers to play.


Players generally have 4 options for choosing their numbers:

  1. Play their favorite lottery numbers.
  2. Have the lottery choose their numbers.
  3. Miscellaneous categories.
  4. Play systematically chosen numbers.

Let's do a deeper dive into each of these approaches.

Play Their Favorite Lottery Numbers

Some people have a set of lottery numbers they call their own.

These lottery numbers usually have some significance in the player's lives including:

  • - birthdays of the player, family members
  • - anniversaries, graduations
  • - favorite numbers
  • - numbers from a dream
  • - team jerseys
  • - garbage day cycle
  • - combinations of some or all the above

There are endless possibilities.

These numbers may already be memorized, so they will be easy to play and to verify on draw days.

These players may already subscribe to a service with their numbers, or have a player form already filled out ready to go.

One drawback with favorite numbers is uniqueness.

There is no guarantee that the player is the only person playing these numbers.

They could be the only one, however there could be dozens with the same numbers.

Another drawback is that individual's choices of numbers are considered random to the lottery.

Every person is unique, and given the number of players in a lottery, if everyone played their own numbers, that is a lot of random numbers.

Have the Lottery Choose Their Numbers

Players who play ad-hoc usually have a tendancy to choose a "Quick Pick", "Random Selection", "Lucky Dip", "Easy Pick" or "Auto Pick".

Whatever name you know it as, this method has the lottery choose numbers for them.

Unfortunately the selection process at the ticket kiosk is always random.

Although random sounds good, it is not the most efficient method of choosing numbers for a lottery.

Random numbers create duplicates, and anytime duplicates are introduced, it will take longer to get all lottery sequences.

It is good for the lottery because it allows a quick sale of tickets, and easy for the player...."One quick pick please".

According to https://www.searchlogistics.com/learn/statistics/lottery-statistics/, 70% of people who play the lotteries do so with random numbers.

Miscellaneous Categories

Miscellaneous would cover any methods or techniques currently not covered above.

Players may choose other lottery websites which also generate lottery ticket numbers.

However, based on our research, all websites with the exception of ours generate their lottery numbers using the randomly generated number method.

Another miscellaneous method is if someone thinks they have a system. Note: This is NOT the same as systematic.

This could involve deriving numbers based on statistics of a given lottery, such as most frequently drawn numbers, or least frequently drawn numbers.

Other methods could be ritualistic or habitual.

People may grab the first numbers they see while reading the newspaper.

The first numbers they see on license plates on the way to work.

Some people may ask their pets. Posing numbers to a dog or cat and watch their reaction is an interesting way of getting lottery numbers.

None of these "Miscellaneous" methods have any merit because they will not work with the randomness of lottery numbers. (Sorry Fido).

These numbers could almost be categorized as favorites but the numbers change for every draw.

However these numbers are derived, the player of one of these methods must still fill in a lottery sheet to play their numbers, so to the player it is the same process when purchasing a ticket from a reseller as though they played their favorite numbers.

Play Systematically Chosen Numbers

This is the niche we are filling in. This method is new and has merit.

We are systematically choosing numbers from a pool of available numbers per lottery.

Set pools of numbers with all combinations for a lottery.

The ticket buying process will be similar to other methods.

The player would visit our site and be provided the next sequence from our pool.

They would then fill out the lottery form with the numbers provided by our systematic method.

Collectively, it makes sense to play lotteries with our systematically chosen numbers.

Systematic selections offer:

  1. All possible combinations.
  2. The least amount of tries to go through all combinations.
  3. There are no duplicates (unless there is a pool reset).

The systematic method makes the most sense for players because collectively it is a move away from the randomness factor of choosing lottery numbers.

The biggest downfall of random numbers is it creates duplicates.

Out of all the options listed, the first three are considered random. If you check out our blog article, Increase your Odds at Winning the Lottery, you will mathematically see the disadvantages of playing the lottery with random selections.

Let's move away from random selections.

Start playing the smarter way.

Start playing systematically.

Chosen numbers are the way to go.

Increase Your Odds at Winning the Lottery

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Chosen Numbers Real Lotteries

Back on March 3rd, 2024 we published a blog article blog article about comparing our why page with a mini lottery.

In that article, you can see the results one can expect by rolling a dice.

The Real Thing - Real Lottery Breakdown

Now let's look at the odds with real lotteries and crunch some realistic numbers.

A typical state or provincial lottery in the US or Canada would normally have millions of possible combinations.

There would also be millions of players for each lottery.

A popular format for a lottery is choosing 6 numbers from a pool of 49 numbers.

This play format is used in the following lotteries in the US and Canada:

  1. Pick 6 (US)
  2. Florida Lotto (US)
  3. Colorado Lotto (US)
  4. Classic Lotto (US)
  5. Lotto649 (Canada)
  6. Western49 (Canada)
  7. Atlantic49 (Canada)
  8. BC49 (Canada)
  9. Ontario49 (Canada)
  10. Quebec49 (Canada)

The odds of winning this style of lottery is 1 in 13,983,816.

We will be posing 2 questions.

1) "How many draws will it take so each combination has been drawn at least once?"

The answer may surprise you.

With the odds of winning being 1 in 13,983,816, one would figure the number of draws would be close to 13,983,816 draws.

However, we crunched the numbers multiple times programmatically to find the average using a simulation.

In order for each combination to be selected at least once, we would need on average 232,700,000 draws.

That is a lot of draws!

If we breakdown these results, each combination was chosen at least 16 times. That is 16 duplicates on average per combination. The highest number of times a combination was drawn was 44 times in our case studies.

The lowest, well 1 because of the rules we had....ie "How many draws would it take so each combination has been drawn at least once?", so our simulation stopped after each combination was hit.

The reason the results are so high is because lottery draws are random.

Bottom line...random numbers produced duplicates and as you can see by the results, a lot of duplicates.

2) "How many lottery combinations would be chosen if we had 13,983,816 draws?"

A slightly different approach but equally as surprising results.

Again, we ran a simulation and on average we would hit 8,839,200 different sets of lottery numbers.

That is only 63% of the total number of lottery combinations.

What that means is roughly 37% of the lottery combinations were never hit.


Again, because random selections produce duplicate entries.

How Do We Better the Odds of Winning the Lottery?

As you can see by the 2 questions posed above, the odds are not in one's favor with random numbers because duplicates are produced.

The odds can be made better by the method of systematically choosing lottery numbers.

Currently, the method which people are playing the lottery collectively is random. So the odds of winning would be reflected by the 2 questions we asked above.

However, collectively, if 13,983,816 players used systematically chosen numbers, then there is a 100% chance of one of those players winning the lottery.

Systematically choosing numbers will removed the possibility of duplicates. It will ensure that all possible combinations of lottery numbers are provided to players.

Math doesn't lie.

Our site is the only lottery supporting website which is generating lottery selections systematically.

It is there for the benefit of the players.

Play Chosen Numbers and collectively increase your odds of winning.

A Closer Look at our Demo - It is Like a Mini Lottery

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A Closer Look at our Demo

At our Why page we have a demo setup to show the benefits of systematically choosing numbers compared to a random approach.

Mini Lottery

The demo could be looked at like a mini lottery, with a small number of players.

With this mini lottery, players choose a number from 1 to 6 then on draw day the lottery would pull one number.

So the odds of winning this mini lottery is 1 in 6.

Breakdown If 6 People Played the Mini Lottery

If 6 people played, one would figure that someone would win?

After all, the odds are 1 in 6.

Well, it depends on how they chose their numbers.

If the 6 players chose their numbers randomly, then no, there is no guarantee that someone will win.

Also if a player's number did come up, there is also no guarantee that they will be the only winner because there could be duplicates with random selections.

If players were allowed to choose their selection base on their lucky number from 1 to 6, again no guaranteed winner. This is similar to random selections because players selections collectively would be random.

However, if the same 6 players chose Chosen Numbers to provide them with their selections, then yes, there would be a guaranteed winner.

Each player would be assigned a unique number from 1 to 6, in this case, sequentially.

There would also be only one winner.

For these 6 players:

  1. Using Chosen Numbers, individually the odds of winning is 1 in 6.
  2. Using Chosen Numbers, collectively the odds of winning are 100%

One Demo, 2 Observations

This demo can be run in 2 ways to demonstrate the benefits of systematically choosing lottery numbers.

  • Roll until one method hit all 6 numbers
  • Roll until both methods hit all 6 numbers

Roll until one method hit all 6

Since a systematic approach will always result in 6 rolls, there is a strong possibility that systematic will beat out random. After 6 rolls, the random side should have some duplicates which also means that some numbers will not have been rolled yet.

Roll until both methods hit all 6 numbers

Once you have rolled 6 times, keep on rolling. How long will it take for the random approach to hit each combination?

Once both methods have hit each number once, then an efficiency is calculated by taking the count of total random attempts divided by 6 x 100 then subtract 100.

The systematic Chosen Numbers method will most likely always beat out the random method.

Final Observation

With this mini lottery, if players used random numbers or personal picks, then the lottery would benefit because there is no guaranteed winner.

However, if players used chosen numbers, then the players would benefit collectively because there is a guaranteed winner.

You have to ask yourself, are you playing the lottery for a player to win, or for the lottery to win?

Give Chosen Numbers a try.